"Show das Poderosas" (English: Powerful Girls' Show) is a single by the Brazilian singer Anitta released on April 16, 2013.[1] The song served as the third single from her self-titled debut album (2013).[2] The song has sold 50,000 paid downloads on Brazilian iTunes, and almost 85,000 worldwide.[1] The song's music video has been viewed over 148 million times on YouTube.[1]
Anitta was hired by the Rio de Janeiro funk shows producer Furacão 2000, and through it she released four tracks: "Menina Má", "Proposta", "Fica Só Olhando" and "Eu Vou Ficar".[5] In June 2012, manager Kamilla Fialho, paid R$260,000 to the company, so that the artist could be managed by her.[2] Fialho set up a show with musicians and dancers, invested in the image of Anitta, and presented her to producers Umberto Tavares and Mãozinha.[5] Anitta was coveted by major record labels; She was "rolling up" two of them until she decided on Warner Music, with whom she signed in January 2013, and on February 6, her first single "Meiga e Abusada" was released through the label.[1]
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The remix was attended by the DJ and music producer of Anitta, Batutinha, and was launched to music download[13] only on iTunes.[2] The remix that was still being worked, received the genre funk carioca with the pop genre.[citation needed] The remix was recorded in studios in Rio de Janeiro and was included as the last track on the disc.[1]
Anitta foi contratada pela produtora de shows de funk carioca Furacão 2000, e através da mesma lançou quatro faixas: "Menina Má", "Proposta", "Fica Só Olhando" e "Eu Vou Ficar".[4] Em junho de 2012, a sua empresária, Kamilla Fialho, pagou R$ 260 mil à companhia, para que a artista fosse agenciada por ela. Fialho montou um espetáculo com músicos e dançarinos, investiu na imagem de Anitta, e a apresentou aos produtores Umberto Tavares e Mãozinha. Anitta passou a ser cobiçada pelas grandes gravadoras; ela ficou "enrolando"[nota 1] duas delas até se decidir pela Warner Music Brasil, com quem assinou em janeiro de 2013, e em 6 de fevereiro ocorreu o lançamento de seu primeiro single, "Meiga e Abusada", através da editora discográfica.[3]
Certo dia, Machado compôs duas faixas. Uma chamava-se "Show das Poderosas", e a outra, "Tá na Mira". A jovem mostrou ambas para sua equipe, amigos e família, afirmando que "Show das Poderosas" seria um divisor de águas na sua carreira, mas muitos não concordaram com sua posição. Depois de apresentá-las para a Warner, o selo decidiu lançar "Tá na Mira", dizendo que a outra canção tinha uma temática muito carioca, e que não seria capaz de conseguir sucesso em todos os estados brasileiros e com todas as idades. Foram feitos vídeo, foto e CD single, mas a cantora não concordava com a decisão. "Eu falava assim: 'Não, gente, vocês estão desperdiçando. Não é isso, não é isso'. Não gostei do clipe de 'Tá na Mira', achei que ficou horrível, fiz toda cheia de má vontade". Contudo, a gravadora permitiu que a canção fosse lançada, pondo um fim aos anseios da artista, que pedia ao selo que fizesse isto só para lhe deixar feliz.[5] "Show das Poderosas" foi distribuída como single para as rádios e através de download digital em 16 de abril de 2013.[6]
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Another problem is that the experiment used an artificial task to measure conformity - judging line lengths. How often are we faced with making a judgmentlike the one Asch used, where the answer is plain to see?This means that the study has low ecological validity and the results cannot be generalized to other real-life situations of conformity. Asch replied that he wanted to investigate a situation where theparticipants could be in no doubt what the correct answer was. In so doing he could explore the true limits of socialinfluence.Some critics thought the high levels of conformity found by Asch were a reflection of American, 1950's culture and told usmore about the historical and cultural climate of the USA in the 1950s than then they do about the phenomena ofconformity. In the 1950s America was very conservative, involved in an anti-communist witch-hunt (which became knownas McCarthyism) against anyone who was thought to hold sympathetic left-wing views. Conformityto American values was expected. Support for this comes from studies in the 1970s and 1980s that show lower conformityrates (e.g., Perrin & Spencer, 1980).
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